SF Seat Cushion Wedge
Exclu ive Thera oft cu hioning material and oftly curved edge di tribute weight to minimize pre ure point Cu hion and upport lower
Showing 10–18 of 202 results
Exclu ive Thera oft cu hioning material and oftly curved edge di tribute weight to minimize pre ure point Cu hion and upport lower
The healtHcentric Hand Hygiene Utility Shelf wa de igned in collaboration with an acute care ho pital to create a convenient olution for
The Ind C Serie offer the re i tance to pill , cut and puncture of polyurethane combined with the durability of the 14 gauge teel
Introducing the mo t hygienic tool on the market The healtHcentric Ultimate Medical Stool’ foot activated adju tment treadle lever
The Clear Folding Social Di tance Barrier provide added protection from re piratory droplet between individual working near one another
The DocuRite i an ea ily adju table multi-po ition, acrylic document and writing lope Made of robu t 5mm fro ted acrylic, DocuRite'